Entry Doors

Impact Door, Storm Door, Hurricane Door
Background for Impact Window and Door Replacement


Entry Doors

in Lee County, Charlotte County, & Collier County Florida

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Impact Entry Door Benefits in SWFL

Curb Appeal

According to a survey done by the National Association of Realtors, 99% of their members believe that curb appeal is important in attracting a buyer, with 79% saying that the entry door is of particular importance 

Damaging Weather Protection

Impact entry doors offer significant hurricane protection, making them a valuable addition to a home in hurricane-prone areas. These doors are constructed with durable materials and equipped with reinforced glass that can withstand the impact of flying debris during a storm. The impact-resistant glass is designed to remain intact even if it shatters, providing an additional layer of security against the destructive force of hurricanes. The strong frames and seals of impact entry doors help create a tight barrier, preventing air and water infiltration into the home during extreme weather conditions. By installing an impact entry door, homeowners can have peace of mind knowing that their property and loved ones are well-protected from the potential damage and danger that hurricanes can bring.

Prevents Break-ins

Impact entry doors provide robust break-in security due to their durable construction and reinforced features. These doors are built with strong materials and reinforced frames that make it extremely difficult for potential intruders to force their way in. The impact-resistant glass used in these doors is designed to remain intact even when shattered, making it challenging for intruders to gain entry. Additionally, impact entry doors often feature multiple locking points and advanced locking systems that offer enhanced security compared to standard entry doors. The combination of reinforced construction, impact-resistant glass, and superior locking mechanisms provides homeowners with a high level of security against break-ins and unauthorized access. By choosing an impact entry door, homeowners can feel confident that their property is well-protected and their loved ones are safe.

Energy Bill Savings

Impact entry doors can provide potential electric bill savings due to their energy-efficient construction. These doors are designed with insulating materials that help regulate the temperature inside a home, keeping it cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. The insulated core of an impact entry door can prevent air leaks and minimize drafts, reducing the workload of the home's HVAC system and improving its energy efficiency. As a result, homeowners may see a decrease in their electric bills over time, as their HVAC systems run less frequently and with less energy usage. Moreover, the insulating properties of impact entry doors can also help reduce noise pollution, allowing for a more comfortable and peaceful indoor environment. By upgrading to an impact entry door, homeowners can enjoy potential energy savings while enhancing their home's style, safety, and durability.

Impact Entry Door Products

Therma-Tru Entry Doors is a fan favorite!

    Therma-Tru's impact entry Doors are some of the most-trusted doors on the market. Available in thousands of styles, sizes, and colors. With Therma-Tru products, your home can look great and be protected at the same time.

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